dbug_pls - Create PL/SQL code with dbug statements.
sqlplus @dbug_pls.sql <object type> <object name> [ <extension> ]
The source code of the stored PL/SQL objects is extracted and split into separate files with the extension specified. Then dbug code is inserted at the begin and end.
The source code is extracted from USER_SOURCE/USER_TRIGGERS. The text CREATE OR REPLACE and / is added at the end of each object. Next the generated script is fed to the Perl scripts sql_parse.pl and pls_mod.pl which must be in the PATH.
In SQL*Plus:
SQL> @dbug_pls % % sql
Gert-Jan Paulissen
21-jan-2005 G.J. Paulissen
Set linesize to 132 for triggers. This occurs after showing stored procedures where linesize is 10000.
25-mar-2004 G.J. Paulissen
Linesize set to 10000 for very large tables (lots of columns).
16-apr-2008 G.J. Paulissen
Set linesize to 200 for triggers, since 132 is not enough.